Tagged: chores

Blog Carnival: Summer Isn’t Over Yet

The Blog Carnival offers inspiration and encouragement as summer winds down and school begins. Enjoy!

The perfect cure for summer boredom — if you're sure you want to cure it.

The Perfect Cure for Summer Boredom

It’s summertime, and a few days after you put away the schoolbooks, you may hear the dreaded complaint, “I’m bored.” It’s a complaint I always welcomed, because I had found the perfect answer.

Do what you can with what you have, right where you are. It's all you can do.

Decision-Making: The “Anti-Supposed To” Manifesto

Learning to make good decisions is a lot like learning to walk. Babies do a lot of creeping, crawling, and falling before they are walking well. If you tried to keep them safe by never letting them out of the crib, you’d end up with a disabled adult. If you never allow your children the freedom to make small decisions and fall when necessary, they may be safe, but they’ll be crippled.