Carnival of Homeschooling: Making Time for Things That Matter- 2011 Planning
Are you ready for 2011? For the last Carnival of Homeschooling for 2010, we have a loose collection of posts under the general topic of Making Time for Things that Matter. I find that the beginning of a new year is a good time to reflect on the year just past and think ahead to what we’d like to see happen in the new year. At the very least, it’s a good time to count blessings!
The post I’d like to share from my Taking Time for Things that Matter blog is from earlier this month, and it’s called Plan to Live Life on Purpose. It followed an article on Impact: Making Time for Things that Matter, which you may also find helpful.
In Weed It And Reap, Nancy offers encouragement for homeschool moms who are just beginning or are feeling overwhelmed at Sage Parnassus, a blog with a focus on books, education, and encouragement in the Charlotte Mason tradition.
Jill has shared Binding Books Beautifully ~ Motivating Reluctant Writers at Sweet Diva. Learn how to motivate reluctant writers (and encourage eager writers) with a hands-on book making project!
In My Arms Were Too Short to Box with God, Letty Brown offers a very personal look at her journey into homeschooling at The Bold and the Fabulous.
Melissa presents Educating Mother posted at Bugs, Knights, and Turkeys in the Yard, a blog described as “a place for encouragement and sharing for homeschooling moms!”
Bethany LeBedz, a self-described “highly organized person,” shares good advice in Calendars 103 posted at Confessions of an Organized Homeschool Mom. If you struggle with organization, you may want to bookmark her blog.
Annie Peters discusses how to avoid burnout in Surviving as a Homeschooling Parent – Learn at Every Turn posted at Learn at Every Turn.
At Why Homeschool, Henry offers a thoughtful post discussing Another reason to love homeschooling: Avoiding the culture of poverty.
Contests are a great motivator! The California Homeschooler presents 2011 Black History Month Contest posted at The California Homeschooler.
Pamela shares some delightful photos and memories in Holiday Wrap Up posted at Blah, Blah, Blog.
“The St. Paul, MN school system has decreed that no one may eat dessert…to combat childhood obesity. One more good reason to homeschool: brownies!” Katherine presents what’s wrong with dessert? posted at No Fighting, No Biting!.

Your success is a reflection of what you're doing with your time. D. Kennedy

Your success is a reflection of what you're doing with your time. D. Kennedy
If you’d like to read more articles about homeschool scheduling, here are a couple of additional links:
In Getting it All Done at Life in Grace, Edie shares a narrative account of her family’s homeschool schedule.
Becky’s post on 2nd grade: A Day in the Life on Boys Rule My Life brought back a lot of memories. It’s amazing how quickly everything changes, and the hardest thing becomes knowing how many of them will be home from work or college for dinner!
In Sample Homeschool Schedule at the Oklahoma Homeschool site, Cindy Downes offers a flexible schedule with some downloadable forms.
In a guest post on the homeschooling section of The Pioneer Woman’s blog, Heather L. Saunders shares Building a Homeschool Calendar.
I hope you’ve enjoyed the Carnival of Homeschooling. Be sure to leave a comment when you visit the featured posts!
This looks like a rich carnival! Thank you for featuring my post. I am looking forward to reading them all a bit later with a cup of peppermint tea. Your hard work is appreciated!
Happy New Year!
Thnak you for your efforts in putting this carnival together. I’m so glad that I have time to sit and read today! Blessings for 2011!
Great job and wonderful entries. I can’t seem to find my link to the site where one can submit carnival entries. Can someone post the URL please? Thanks. I have a really cool educational give-away going on on my site and want to get the word out to as many as possible.
Thanks for the great blog btw.
Can someone post the URL to where I can submit CoH entries? I lost the bookmark. Since I have a really cool educational give-away going on right now I want to let as many people as possible know. Thanks.
How very timely. I just finished doing a post on my blog about how I do my planning, and then decided to come look at this week’s CofH. Hm….maybe I should have posted this last week! 🙂