Tagged: routine

Planning is making time for things that matter.

Year-End Review, New Year Planning

December is the month when my planning instinct kicks into overdrive. I flip the calendar page on the first, and it’s as if I’ve opened a new channel in my brain. All the while I’m enjoying holiday preparations and wondering...

Year-end planning and a printable monthly calendar for your planner.

Year-End Planning and 2016 Planner Calendar

A Simple Year-End Planning Routine Each year at this time, I try to spend at least an hour each day planning, organizing, and tidying. A tidying of my physical space helps to organize my mind and heart for the new year, but I’ve discovered that year-end planning works...

If you have never said "Excuse me" to a parking meter or bashed your shins on a fireplug, you are probably wasting too much valuable reading time.

The Benefits of Reading: Seven Tips for Reading More

Why spend time reading? Just in case you need an excuse to read to your children (or just to read for yourself), the infographic below outlines a host of benefits of reading. Although there are many practical reasons to read...

Keep homeschooling simple with simple routines and records.

Keeping it Simple in the New Homeschool Year

Love it or hate it, it’s time for a new school year. It may seem absurd to think about simplifying now, just as you are faced with crisp new notebooks, sharp pencils, and delectable stacks of books, but the first month...

Art soothes the soul and provides a pleasant transition to the contemplative season.

Slipping into a Seasonal Business Routine

My business year has two primary seasons: the convention season and the contemplative season. The end of July saw the end of business travel until next February, unless something unforeseen crops up, and I have to admit I’m delighted to be...

Set priorities for the new year by Janice Campbell

Set Priorities for the New Year

Here’s how you can make your personal New Year a time of renewal and refreshment. Think through goals and routines, and create priorities that help you, like Mary, focus on “the better part.”

Seven things about homeschooling

Seven Things I Wish I’d Known About Homeschooling

It’s been awhile since we started our homeschooling journey, but as I look back, there are seven things about homeschooling that I wish I’d known. The truth is, someone might have told me about one or more of these, just...

Homeschool high school scheduling; some non-traditional options.

High School Scheduling — Some Non-Traditional Options

When was the last time you thought about the best way to schedule your school days? Six subjects, one hour each per day, five days a week — ho hum. Maybe it’s time to ask some questions about scheduling! High school scheduling...

Every Monday is a new beginning: The joy of daily and weekly routines.

Every Monday is a New Beginning

I love Monday — it’s my favorite day of the week!* From the pinnacle of Monday morning, there stretches before me a string of four perfect days at home. From now until Friday, I’m able to focus on home and to be...