Welcome to Doing What Matters
Hi, I’m Janice Campbell, and I’m glad you’re here!
I’ll be writing with the heartfelt goal of staying focused on things that matter — family, literacy, creativity, growth, and service (and for me, each of those is grounded in faith, hope, and love). I’m a reader and a writer, so many of my thoughts are conveyed through bits of literature or snatches of poetry.
I hope to give you a glimpse of the intesection between literature and life, and perhaps inspire you to revisit old favorites or explore new offerings. In addition to book and product reviews, and tips on writing and teaching writing, I’ll also share what I’ve learned about the joyous adventure of homeschooling through high school. There are so many opportunities your family can explore — micro-business or entrepreneurship, travel, early college, apprenticeships, talent development, and more. Homeschooling teens is fun!
Thank you for stopping by — I hope you enjoy the blog!