Tagged: learning style

Thomas Edison attributed much of his success to his mother's teaching.

How to Be a Good Homeschool Quitter: Part 2

Gifted students learn differently, and most learners have a primary learning style that makes teaching easier. Learning to adapt your curriculum to your student rather than trying to squash the student into a curriculum is an important part of becoming a great homeschool teacher.

Of Daffodils and Diesels, Revisited

Do you have a child who doesn’t seem to be college material? Don’t let fear keep you from encouraging him to explore the trades and other college alternatives. The “Daffodils and Diesels” essay will show you why.

Homeschool writing programs I like; from Janice Campbell of Excellence in Literature and Doing What Matters.

Writing Programs I Like

I’ve seen good results from students who have used these writing programs. Choose based on the student’s learning style for best results.

Excellence in Literature: The Complete Curriculum: Literature and Writing for Grades 8-12

Three Things to Consider When Making Curriculum Decisions

Choosing curriculum can be a challenge. Here are three things to think about to make it easier!