The Blog Move: Education, Entrepreneurship, and Soul Care

Running rooster says welcome to the DoingWhatMatters blog!
I’ve had two blogs for quite awhile. One was all about homeschooling, and this one was about entrepreneurship. Over the past year or so, I’ve noticed that topics were beginning to overlap, so I finally made the leap and moved the whole shebang over to this blog, and will continue to write about education, entrepreneurship, and soul care.
A blog move is a big project, so there is still a good bit of tidying up to do, since there were over 300 posts to transfer and redirect—I’d been writing on homeschooling since 2007, but I hope you will be able to find everything you look for. If there’s something you’re specifically seeking, try one of the search boxes on the page. If all else fails, leave a comment on the most recent post, and I’ll do my best to help. Over the next few weeks, I’ll add tags to the older posts to make everything easier to find.
I hope you will update your bookmarks and and visit regularly. I’m happy to be moved, though rather astonished at the speed at which it was accomplished. Now it’s time to take a break and go outside!