Carnival of Homeschooling: Learning Lifestyle, Reading, and News
Learning Lifestyle

Still Life with Fruit by Severin Roesen, c. 1858-1862
At Cyber-Scholar, Daniel Louzonis shares a day-by-day journal of his family’s Amsterdam Trip! Lifelong homeschoolers, they’ve recently moved to London, thinking it would be easier and more cost effective to bounce around Europe, from within Europe.
In Sisterhood of Spies: Two Reasons Every Mom Should Be Social Media Savvy, Heidi St. John writes at The Busy Mom about an uncomfortable experience, and highlights the importance of knowing what your children are doing online.
Dinner is a family affair where everyone chips in. You’ll learn this is much easier to do with the lifestyle provided by homeschooling in Preparing Dinner for Today and Tomorrow at Bruggie Tales.
In 3 Ways To Handle Being Frazzled & Fatigued, Kathie at the Character Corner shares “How to stay calm and sweet, rather than grumpy, when you are worn out!”
In Homeschooling for Jesus, posted at My Blog, Jan May discusses the importance of being focused on Christ in your homeschooling life.
Kathy Kuhl, author of Homeschool Your Struggling Learner offers a careful review of Cheryl Swope’s new book, Simply Classical: A Beautiful Education for Any Child at Learn Differently.
At Like Mother, Like Daughter, Leila Marie Lawler presents a delightful review of The Trolley Car Family in Warm Family Life–Library Project. As soon as I read her review, I realized why The Boxcar Children was so unlike the book I remember reading as a child. Apparently I read The Trolley Car Family instead!
Cindy Rollins will be reading and blogging through Beauty in the Word: Rethinking the Foundations of Education by Stratford Caldecott in her online book club at Ordo Amoris, and it’s probably not too late to jump in. At Beauty in the Word Preliminaries, she explains how the book club will work, and shares her first post in Beauty in the Word: And We are Off…sort of.
Theresa Powers presents Free Book Friday CL Nature Readers | Nature Study Freebies! posted at Joyous Home.
At Carrots for Michaelmas, Haley writes In Defense of Fanny Price: Why You Don’t Like Mansfield Park as Much as You Should. She’s probably right, and I should probably read it again, but honestly, Fanny is a pill, as my grandmother would say.
In her ongoing College Crash Course series, science author Jeannie Fulbright offers a look at College Crash Course Part 4: ACT or SAT…That is the Question. Be sure to read the other posts in this series–they offer excellent information.
At Why Homeschool? jacate3 writes about Homeschooling in the age of Common Core
Lee Binz, The HomeScholar, shares Breaking News! The SAT test will change in Spring of 2016, at The HomeScholar Blog.
Shelly Sangrey shares some thoughts on What Exactly Is an Unschooler? at the Red-Headed Mom blog.
ChristineMM of The Thinking Mother discusses giftedness and sensitivities in Thoughts On The Highly Sensitive Person, Giftedness, Allergies, Food Sensitivities, and Leaky Gut and ponders possible solutions for the problems related to various neurological challenges.

The Diet by Jehan Georges Vibert, late 19th century
Great inspirations — thanks for the helpful links!